A Word on Warranties

Dan Kay
11 min readNov 27, 2020

As an avid outdoorsman, I spend a lot of time thinking about gear: looking at gear, researching gear, buying gear, selling gear, etc. Most climbers, skiers, kayakers, whatever, are gear junkies. It’s part of the fun.

However, all this specialized gear is very expensive! An Arcteryx jacket can cost, for example, from $200 to $900. It’s not uncommon for technical backpacks to cost several hundred dollars. Even a humble pair of gloves can run you a bill or more.

And sure, there are cheaper alternatives from lesser-known brands. But (generally) speaking, the quality of an…



Dan Kay

Always adventurous. Occasionally political. I write creative stories about life, love, climbing and travel. thisisyouth.org