Book Reviews: White Noise, Wool, Black Wall Street, Tom Wolfe, Joni Mitchell, Pnin, Haruki Murakami

Dan Kay
7 min readJul 29, 2022

Hey Medium. Just dropping by with a few thoughts on some books I’ve read recently. Three nonfiction books, which is rare for me (I get enough nonfiction while reading on Medium, tbh)! Anyways, enjoy these short reviews of Joni Mitchell: Reckless Daughter, Black Wall Street, Men Without Women, Wool, White Noise, Pnin, and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, below:

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test Tom Wolfe

Cover of Tom Wolfe book “The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test”. Image shows a psychedelic school bus in many colors with sterotypical 1960s font. “Groovy”

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This book chronicles Ken Kesey and the “ Merry Pranksters “, noted LSD enthusiasts and a large part of the American counter-culture movement during the 1960s. Tom Wolfe is a skilled author and these hippies are a key part of American history from this time period, but the book essentially boils down to four hundred pages of people taking drugs and tripping out in various settings across North America. It’s written in the frantic, stream-of-consciousness style which was cutting-edge and popular at the time, but has lost a bit of its novelty today. I read the whole thing, but I’m kind of surprised by that…



Dan Kay

Always adventurous. Occasionally political. I write creative stories about life, love, climbing and travel.